Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Basillica of the Immaculate Conception, Washington DC

In October of 2008, My husband and I took a trip for our Anniversary to Washington DC.  My husband had developed an interest in President Abraham Lincoln.  He's been reading books and watching documentary's and I surprised him with this trip. We had a wonderful time. We went to each memorial and I will eventually blog about these but the absolute best thing we did was visit the Basicilica on November 1, 2008, our 28th wedding Anniversary.

This Visit began a relationship with the Queen of Heaven, Mary the Mother of Jesus.  Now, I know.  Catholic all my life. Love my faith, Love the Church but never really "got" the relationship with Mary.

Until Now.

What a visionary Mary was.  To be so obedient to her calling.

I began saying Rosary fervently and regularly.  If you need some real comfort PRAY THE ROSARY.

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